A guy tweeted:
"Marrying a virgin woman must be the same excitement as you're buying a brand new car, not a second hand one"
Here's the thing. If we, women, said that about guys we would be doomed.
Having sex with lots of women has been always regarded as "cool" from the male point of view. While a woman who has sex, even if it's with just one guy, is seen as "slutty."
These double standards are what give young girls, and even adult women self-esteem issues.
Yeah I've had sex before. I had a boyfriend, who for a while, I thought was "the one." He wasn't. (Personally, I don't believe in casual sex. I don't think it brings anything positive into your life. But, that's my personal opinion, obviously not everyone will agree with me here. Especially since I'm a very emotional person and I can get hurt really easily.) Did having sex with him make me "less" of a woman or "less" of a person? The answer is a big no.
I'm still a five-foot-three, dark-haired girl that is really optimistic, driven, smart, funny at times, a good friend, and that gives good advice. Did having sex with a guy change any of this? No, it didn't.
My thoughts, my personality, my aspirations, they're always there. I'm not in any way "less" than who I was before. And to be honest, I really dislike the idea of being compared to a car, and to be compared at all. We are all different, we shouldn't be compared to anyone or anything.
So if you're a girl or woman that is being told something like "You're not good enough anymore because insert double standard here." Think about who you are, all that you have achieved and all that you will achieve. Because you are awesome, regardless of what anyone else says.
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