Concept Generation (2020)
Rhinoceros 3D
Description: Left view, center view, and right view of the knee brace. Hinge system to allow knee bending. The model is a complete knee brace with side boxes for electrical components.

First Prototype (2021)
Rhinoceros 3D
Description: Fully assembled, top view of brace attachment
Changes made to the design:
- Created a brace attachment instead of an entire knee brace.
- Sliding rail mechanism to allow movement.
- Gears to mimic hinge.

Second Prototype (2021)
Rhinoceros 3D
Description: Fully assembled, exploded view, and sub-assemblies of the knee brace.
Changes made to the design:
- Includes power screw to assist and resist during squatting and stair climbing.
- Telescoping beam mechanism to allow changes in brace length.

Product Launch (2021)
Rhinoceros 3D
Description: Fully assembled and exploded view
Changes made to the design:
- Completely removed the lower calf beam and used a simple connecting piece instead to remove unnecessary weight.
- Gears no longer needed.
- Used a pneumatic linear actuator instead of the telescoping beam to ease movement.
- Included permanent brace attachments, and added rails to the upper thigh beam to safely remove the brace when no longer needed.
- Added housing for the potentiometer, motor, and PCB board.

Final Presentation (2021)
Rhinoceros 3D
Description: Exploded views, thigh components, thigh & calf connections
Changes made to the design:
- Added ventilation to housing for PCB.
- Added casing for the potentiometer.
- Modified rail.
Final Product (2021)
Material: Nylon-Carbon Fiber
Method: 3D Printing
The final attachment to the knee brace passed 9 out of 11 tests performed.